Runic Ecology Community Practice:
A Live Study Group working with the 9 Northumbrian Runes in Oakland, California, on unceded Ohlone Land
You are invited to join a live practice in Oakland, CA with the 9 Northumbrian Runes, August 30, 2023 to January 17, 2024!
Through our ongoing practice and relationship with the 33 runes, we can feel that the 9 Northumbrian Runes, in particular, want to be shared in community.
Space is limited. Please fill out this form by August 23rd if you are interested in participating.
What: Join us for a 5-month journey (11 gatherings) to get to know the 9 Northumbrian Runes and each other through a live practice. This will be a community space to learn about pre-Christian European folk practices and knowledge, and participate in personal gnosis.

For Who? Participation in this group is open to anyone interested in the runes, regardless of background and experience. We will ask everyone to review the community values and practices (below) and sign on before joining, and bring any questions to the “clarity call.”
Why: The co-facilitators, Uta and Zoë will provide the container and some thread, but our role is not to teach you about the runes. Rather, we aim to create a space where we can feel safe and supported to share about how we are individually building relationships with the 9 Northumbrian Runes. In doing so, we may identify how they are asking us to confront personal, social, and ecological conditions of today.
When: We will meet in Zoë and Uta’s homes (gardens and living rooms), at addresses to be sent upon acceptance! We will meet on the following Wednesdays from 7-9pm PT:
- August 30th – Opening ceremony
- September 13th and 29th (Friday instead of Wednesday) – AC and OS
- October 11th and 25th – YR and IOR
- November 8th and 22nd – EAR and CWEORTH
- December 8th (Friday instead of Wednesday) and 20th – CALC and STAN
- January 10th and 17th – GAR and Closing ceremony
How? Space is limited. Please fill out this form by August 23rd if you are interested in participating. We will follow up with a “clarity call” to review group agreements and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to email us at with any questions.
What are the values and community agreements of this group?
In addition to sharing our personal gnosis, we aspire to build a community that’s part of a lineage of people skilled in listening to the wisdom of our bodies, of plants, of beings in this realm and other realms. Not just so we can individually hone these skills, but so we can contribute to personal and collective social and ecological liberation and thriving.
We believe there is no such thing as “perfection” in this inquiry. We do ask that all bring an explicit commitment to ending white supremacy. Work with the runes demands grappling with lineages and present realities of white supremacist abuse and co-optation. We actively reject white supremacist co-optation of the runes, and aim to hold them, and share them, from a place of sacred animist devotion.
We aim to embody the values and practices listed below, as part of our intentions to disrupt white supremacy, capitalism, patriarchy, ableism, and more.
This practice is full of choice. We aim to build choice into every part of this practice – there is no such thing as “one right way” to study the runes. We aim to create a space where participants are invited to listen to our bodies, and opt-in or out of invitations.
Ask for help. We did not create these ecological and social crises alone, and we will not get out of them alone. We encourage everyone to ask for what they need, and offer what they’re able.
We are all teachers and all learners. Each of us have things to learn; each of us, things to teach.
Practice non-duality: We aim to embrace the yes/and, both/and of the “real/not real,” and all other dualisms
Practice sacred citation*: Honor the lineage of this work by identifying where ideas came from.
Honor confidentiality: Learnings leave the space; Identifying markers don’t.
Practice self-sovereignty: Speak from the “I” and do not offer unsolicited advice.
*A phrase from Lara Veleda Vesta
Runes in top photo created by Lara Veleda Vesta. Bowl crafted by Simon Lilly of TreeSeer
Do you know how to write them? Do you know how to read them? Do you know how to paint them? Do you know how to test them?
Do you know how to ask them? Do you know how to bless them? Do you know how to send them? Do you know how to offer them?~Hávamál, Poetic Edda, Crawford, 2015

“I consider myself a Þaðriδa, or threadrider. I follow the threads shown by the runes and help to weave their story.”
– Uta (Oakland, California, the ancestral and unceded land of the Chochenyo speaking Ohlone people).
Uta connects with the runes as ancestors, forward and backwards, an embodiment of the threads and watery channels in and out of our bodies. Pulled from the well of Urd in sacrifice, shimmery webs are carved on wood by the three Norns: Urd, Verdandi and Skuld. With a place on her ancestor altar, Uta connects with the runes in daily practice, weaving in a blanket of poetry, herbkraft, folk practices, myth, and history.
Uta has participated in the 33-week foundational rune practice, “The Wild Soul Runes Community Gnosis” group, and has just traveled through a year-long practice with the Elder Futhark Runes (2 week study w/each of the 24 runes). She is in mentorship with Lara Veleda Vesta and Stevie Joy Leigh, and is also a student of Seidr, learning with and from Naomi Mirkrida, a practitioner teaching from a broad Northwest-European perspective and based in the Netherlands. Uta is also currently in a 9-month program and community space, Life as Medicine Way, dedicated to a more intimate relationship with nature, plants, and life, taught by Francisca Santibanez. She is also a part of active communities focusing on traditional Germanic and Polish folk practices.
“I can’t map the runes to words… I think of them as ancient beings, embodied shapes, grandmothers, part of the web of wyrd, and also pure mystery. The map is not the realm – they may be a fingerprint of something much, much larger and more vibrant and colorful. But who’s to say?”
– Zoë Maer (Oakland, California, Ohlone Land)
Zoë builds relationships with the runes through their body, spirited creative writing and drawing, in land connection, through weaving, and in community. They have participated in a 33-week foundational rune practice facilitated by Lara Veleda Vesta called the The Wild Soul Runes Community Gnosis group. They also recently completed a foundational course in Embodied Ancestral Inquiry, which explored cultural attachment repair, somatics, and ritual practice with Marika Heinrichs and Stevie Joy Leigh, along with the 13-month Dark Goddess Year of Ceremony led by Lara Veleda Vesta. Zoë joyfully brings experience with popular education, facilitation, anti-racist organizing, and wealth redistribution to this space.
Note: In the left photo, Uta is standing with the Fehu Rune (Elder Futhark) found on stone in Portugal, December 2022.
What are the Northumbrian Runes and what do we mean by Runic Ecology?
According to Lara Veleda Vesta in Wild Soul Runes: Reawakening the Ancestral Feminine, “The [Northumbrian] runes are wild with mystery. Sometimes referred to as the Anglo-Saxon or Anglo-Northumbrian runes, they rarely appear in books about the runes, and it can be difficult to find a rune set with them included.”
We can feel a strong connection between the 9 Northumbrian Runes and local land connection. We don’t quite know what Runic Ecology fully means, but will be exploring that question along with many others, through this practice. Questions like…
- What poems, myths, and stories are connected with each rune, and with the Northumbrian Runes as a whole? What is the significance of the number 9, mead, and wortcunning (herbal magic) in connection with these runes?
- What themes, patterns, and insights emerge as each of us devotes two weeks to connecting with each rune?
- Where do these runes live in our bodies and in all of our relationships, including with the land?
What would a typical gathering include?
Each gathering will include a ritual opening, light tea/snacks, history/framing about the wider story of runes, poems, space for personal gnosis, land connection, and a ritual closing.
What is the financial exchange?
There are 3 pricing options and monthly payment plans are available. Program cost includes 11 gatherings with light snacks and tea, 9 runes hand-crafted by Uta (to be shared every 2 weeks), shared knowledge about the runes, and wildcrafted oils/salves.
- Community Rate*: $350 one-time or $70/month. This rate is for you if you would find covering the regular costs of this training to be financially stressful and would need to cut into funds to meet your basic needs (food, rent, etc.)
- Sustainer Rate: $500 one-time or $100/month. This rate is the true cost of the program. It is for you if you have some financial stability/secure income and are able to cover your monthly costs in addition to having some disposable income left over.
- Supporter Rate: $650 one-time or $130/month payment plan. This rate is for you if you have financial assets/wealth and can contribute to the cost of the course for those with fewer financial resources.
5% of fees will be redistributed to the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, an urban Indigenous women-led land trust based in the Bay Area that facilitates the return of Indigenous land to Indigenous people.
*If the community rate tier presents a barrier, please reach out.
What are our COVID protocols?
- We ask that everyone who participates has been vaccinated and boosted
- We ask everyone to test and stay home if you’re sick
- While we will not require participants to mask indoors or outdoors, we welcome everyone doing so as they need, and may adjust our protocols during the fall
What kinds of payment methods do you accept?
We accept a range of payments, and can discuss options during our clarity call.
What this practice is not:
- A certification
- A therapy group (though challenging feelings will likely come up, as the runes support deeper integrity with personal values and actions)
- An herbalism class (though we will connect with plants!)
- A space to receive individual rune readings, however, through participating, you can book a discounted rune reading with Uta
- Written in stone
Ohlone Land Acknowledgement
I acknowledge that the land I live on, with respect and reverence, belonged to the Muwekma Ohlone People, who have stewarded this land throughout the generations. I will not forget the colonization of this land. If you feel called, you may also give to the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, an urban Indigenous women-led land trust that facilitates the return of Indigenous land to Indigenous people: